

Select one current IT related online article (2017 sources or later) about a global ethical issue. Note that this assignment is not a general essay about the topic selected, it must be about the current event article that you have selected. In addition, please note that while articles from journals may be of interest, they are ultimately too long and involved for this assignment it is best to find an article from the World Wide Web from a trade magazine, or other electronic publication.  Provide the source citation that is in compliance with the American Psychological Association (APA) formatting rules, as well as the persistent URL – one that anyone can click on to re-access the original article.

The following elements must be addressed:

  • Summarize the whole article by all of its key or salient points. It may help if you use bullets to note the salient points of the article, as you read through it. A summary is desired, not just the thrust of the article.
  • Analyze the multi-national and global ethical aspects of the article what is the impact or what is the importance of the information in the article and what are the ethical issues connected to the situation or event?
  • Determine three critically important questions not otherwise included in the article that you would like to address to the author regarding the article you are not expected to answer the questions!

 This assignment does not have a specific length, as the length depends upon the length of the article that is being summarized, but you want to make sure that you have fulfilled the three requirements listed above. Remember to use headings for each topic criteria. The length of Paper CE is not a factor considered in its grading!