Ethics and Way of Life

Choose between option A or B for the topic
Paper Option A (minimum 1,200 words). For Paper Option A, you should describe the best life a human being should live. To describe this life, 1) choose a view expressed by one of the ethical theories you have studied thus far with which you disagree.2) Describe that view accurately. 3) Construct an alternative that you think improves on the view you just described. Finally, 4)provide your reasons (i.e., a convincing argument) for the superiority of your alternative. As you construct your alternative, you should use (and acknowledge) the material we have covered thus far, but bear in mind that this is not a report on what others have said. I am asking you to think and speak for yourself in conversation with the wisdom you have gained so far this semester as you have carefully considered the views of Aristotle, Kant, Mill, etc. A good paper will display 1) an accurate understanding of ethical issues and 2) skill in argumentation. This is not just a subjective opinion paper. Papers will be graded not on theconclusion you draw but on the adequacy of the understanding displayed and the quality of the arguments put forward.
Paper Option B (minimum 1,200 words). Your neighbors children are hellions and in need of some direction. Knowing that you are taking a course in ethics, your neighbors have procured your philosophical guidance as they decide how to raise their children. In at least 1,200 words, explain why your neighbors children should be raised according to the principles of x(consequentialism, Kantian ethics, virtue ethics, etc.), and explain some ethical errors they should avoid. Note that there are two elements to this paper, a positive and a negative element, and each needs to be described accurately. So, for example, if you argue that your neighbors should raise their children to be good Kantians, then you would probably want them to avoid the pitfalls of utilitarianism and certain aspects of virtue ethics. As such, you will need to demonstrate your understanding of more than one key ethical theory. As in Paper Option A, here too a good paper will display 1) an accurate understanding of ethical issues and 2) skill in argumentation. This is not just a subjective opinion paper. Papers will be graded not on the conclusions you draw but on the adequacy of the understanding displayed and the quality of the arguments put forward.

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