ethnic studies

we have to answer the following prompts. we will need to thoroughly define the bolded and underlined
terms and explain their relationship to each other in order to fully address each question.  750-words per question.

1. What is racial formation theory? Describe an example of a racial project and explain its
material stakes.

2. Why is settler colonialism in the U.S. premised on the logic of elimination? Explain and
contrast the ideological struggles over land between the settlers and Indigenous peoples
(land as place v. land as time)? Why is this ideological struggle significant to settler
colonialism and the logic of elimination?

3. What makes chattel slavery distinct from other forms of slavery? How was the domestic
slave tradeable to continue and expand in the U.S. even after the formal abolition of the
transatlantic slave trade in 1807?

4. Detail and contrast the relationship between blood quantum and the 1-drop rule as it
relates to primary accumulation.

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