Ethnic Studies

Please read Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz’ “Introduction” from her book, An Indigenous People’s History of the United States (attached below). Then, upload a pdf or word document with your responses to the following questions. 

In 2-3 sentences each, please respond to the following: (please see the attachment)

1. Define Settler Colonialism (p.2) 

2. Why does Dunbar-Ortiz disagree with historians’ use of the term “encounter?” (p. 5)

Complete the steps below: 

1. Choose a topic from the following list of Indigenous activist issues that interests you the most. If you are not familiar with any of the topics, do a few quick google searches to help you decide 

  • Sogorea te land trust (Oakland, California)
  • Thirty Meter Telescope on Mauna Kea (Hawaii)
  • Wetsuweten Territory (Canada)
  • Arizona Sacred Sites and Border Wall (Arizona)
  • Dakota Access Pipeline (North Dakota) 

2. Find and watch or listen to a short video or podcast about the issue

3. Create and submit a document or creative art work that includes the following information: 

  • A short summary of the Indigenous land activist issue of your choice: who/what native people were involved? When did the activism begin? What land or natural resources are they trying to protect? 
  • A personal reflection– what do you think should be done about the issue you chose?  
  • an image that depicts a certain aspect of the activism (people, protests, the land or water being protected, etc). 
  • the link to the short film or video that you watched to familiarize yourself with the issue