Evaluate Your Learning Skills and Strengths


Choose one of the auto manufacturers listed below and after researching the company, answer the questions that follow.

  • Toyota
  • Volkswagen
  • General Motors
  • Hyundai/Kia
  • Ford
  • Fiat/Chrysler
  1. In what country is the company based?
  2. In what countries does the company manufacture motor vehicles, and why might the company have picked those countries for manufacturing operations?
  3. Does the company sell the same models across countries or do they customize models for specific countries? If they customize, why do you think they do so?
  4. Focusing on the US market, explain how the interest rate on auto loans will influence the industry. For instance, what happens to auto sales if the interest rate goes up, and what happens when it goes down?

How to Do Well in Discussions

  • Make your initial post responding to the above questions by Saturday, and comment on at least three of your classmates posts by Tuesday. Posting late may lose you points. 
  • Respond to the specific questions posed in the discussion.
  • Be sure to base your initial post and responses on course materials, using 7th ed. APA citations in every post.
  • If you post your responses over three days and you respond to more than three students, you will receive full credit for the frequency of participation.
  • Include citations for your sources in 7th ed. APA format or you lose points.
  • Write clearly and proofread; errors can lose you points.
  • Quality of posts, citations, frequency, and timeliness of posts all factor into your discussion grade. See the Participation Grading Rubric for details.