2048.7.2 : Interpreting Data

The graduate analyzes assessment results to evaluate student learning and teacher effectiveness.

2048.7.3 : Adapting Instruction Based on Assessment Data

The graduate makes evidence-based instructional decisions that are informed by student assessment data.

Assessment data are a key component in analyzing student progress and teacher effectiveness. As a teacher, you will be required to use assessment data to make evidence-based instructional decisions. In this task, you will analyze student data from the scenario, describe how you would provide student feedback, and recommend specific adjustments to the lesson plan to improve future instructional effectiveness and student learning.

Refer to the attached Assessing Student Learning Scenario for information about a class and individual students, the lesson plan that was used, as well as the multiple ways students were assessed and the results of those assessments.

2048.7.2 : Interpreting Data

The graduate analyzes assessment results to evaluate student learning and teacher effectiveness.

2048.7.3 : Adapting Instruction Based on Assessment Data

The graduate makes evidence-based instructional decisions that are informed by student assessment data.

Assessment data are a key component in analyzing student progress and teacher effectiveness. As a teacher, you will be required to use assessment data to make evidence-based instructional decisions. In this task, you will analyze student data from the scenario, describe how you would provide student feedback, and recommend specific adjustments to the lesson plan to improve future instructional effectiveness and student learning.

Refer to the attached Assessing Student Learning Scenario for information about a class and individual students, the lesson plan that was used, as well as the multiple ways students were assessed and the results of those assessments.

Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.


A.  Analyze the student pre-assessment results from the scenario by doing the following:

1.  Discuss an area of strength and how it is supported by the data.

2.  Discuss a potential problem area and how it is supported by the data.

B.  Using your analysis from part A, recommend an adjustment to the Anticipatory Set section of the lesson plan from the scenario.

Informal Formative Assessment

C.  Analyze the student results from the informal formative assessment from the scenario by doing the following:

1.  Discuss an area of strength and how it is supported by the data.

2.  Discuss a problem area and how it is supported by the data.

D. Compare the results of the pre-assessment to the results of the informal formative assessment for the following:

the class as a whole

a student who demonstrated growth

a student who did not demonstrate growth

1. Describe the feedback you would provide to the class and each identified student in part D regarding their progress after the informal formative assessment.

Summative Assessment

E.  Analyze the student summative assessment results from the scenario by doing the following:

1.  Discuss an area of strength and how it is supported by the data.

2.  Discuss a remaining problem area and how it is supported by the data.

3.  Discuss two possible causes of nonproficiency for students in certain areas after the summative assessment.

F.  Compare the results of the pre-assessment to the results of the summative assessment for the following:

the class as a whole

a student who demonstrated growth

a student who did not demonstrate growth

1. Describe the feedback you would provide to the class and each identified student from part F regarding their results after the summative assessment.

G.  Using your analyses from part E, recommend one adjustment to any two of the following components of the lesson plan from the scenario:

  Presentation Procedures for New Information and/or Modeling

  Guided Practice

  Independent Student Practice

  Culminating or Closing Procedure/Activity

  Differentiated Instruction


1. Discuss your rationale for how each recommendation from part G would improve instructional effectiveness or support student learning.

H.  Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

I.  Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

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