Evaluating Pre-k 4 classroom

Write a 1500 word reflection essay that compares and contrasts what you have learned in your course, with what you have observed in the field. Include explanations, descriptions, examples and at least 4 in-text citations from the textbook or other sources. Choose to focus on some of the topics stated below:

*Throughout your essay, apply the theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Bandura, and Gardner to all examples of the students you observed in the classroom setting

1. How did the teachers you observe help nurture and develop students’ self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-regulation?

2. What was an example of attachment within a teacher-student relationship?

3. What observations did you make of the social environment of the classroom?   

4. What was an example of classroom management that you observed?

5. What was an example of the use of positive guidance initiated by the teacher?

6. How did the teacher transitions the students from one activity to another? 

7. Did you observe a discipline issue? poor student behaviors? How were these issues handled?

8. How did the teacher model positive social skills?

9. During a lesson, how does the teacher access students’ prior knowledge of the lesson topic? Give examples.

10. How does the teacher engage students as active learners?

11. How does the teacher informally assess if the children understand what he or she is teaching them?