Evaluation Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to evaluate a womens ministry speaker as an opportunity to learn and improve your teaching. There are various aspects of effective teaching, such as engaging the listeners, presenting the Word of God with clarity and practical application, and using creative teaching techniques.
Reference Book:  Building an Effective Womens Ministry (chapter 25)
Follow these guidelines to complete this assignment:
View a YouTube video (minimum 25 minutes) of one of the following nationally recognized Christian woman teachers::  Priscilla Shirer, Liz Curtis Higgs, Pat Ashley, Kim Anthony, or Patsy Clairmont.
Write a 1-2 page assignment of this womens ministry speaker leading and teaching.  In your reflection, include a response to the questions below:
Identify the speakers name, date, and any background information for the speaking engagement (i.e. Bible study, womens conference, etc.)
1. Does the Bible teacher engage the audience? For example, share if she is genuine, relatable, passionate, etc.
2. Does she present the Word of God with clarity and practical application?
3. Does she use any methods of inductive Bible study? (See chapter 25.)
4. Does the teacher use any memorable or creative teaching methods?
5. What did you learn from observing the Bible teacher? Can you apply any of these techniques in your future ministry?

Scholarly academic resources, textbooks, or other sources provided. 
Use of APA format is required.