everglades national park paper

 This paper will discuss the history of the Everglades National Park, its importance, and  what makes it unique  It is based on the 2 assigned videos, but you ALSO must do your own research for thisYou will write a 2-3 page research paper that covers the following

  • how the ENP was formed
  • what makes ENP unique
  • brief discussion of the major ecosystems in ENP
  • Any conservation issues (hint, think of invasive species)

Details: minimum 2 FULL pages.  No header, no extra spaces after paragraphs, and  must be double spaced, Times New Roman 12 or Arial 10pt font, 1 inch margins only. NO name or title. You MUST have in-text citations and corresponding references. At least 2 other citations/references (besides the 2 videos) must be included on page 3 or 4 This assignment will run through SafeAssign, so no plagiarism.  Be sure to use your OWN words.