Evidence-Based Instructional Methods and Action Research: Driving Force


Post a two-paragraph initial response that addresses the following areas using the discussion board forum:

Mr. Franklin wants to do some research on some strategies that could be used to encourage classroom behavior management. He comes to you as the special education teacher for guidance on where to start exploring the current body of research before he starts his own study.

  • In one paragraph, explain to Mr. Franklin what a scholarly search entails.
  • Identify at least two resources for conducting scholarly searches.
  • Provide information as to where he can find these scholarly searches.
  • Compose a one-paragraph description of the steps of an action research study for Mr. Franklin.



Henley, M., Ramsey, R. S., & Algozzine, R. F. (2009). (6th ed.). Pearson.

  • This text is a Constellation course digital materials (CDM) title.


  • Bourgault, D. (2008). . Retrieved from http://www.autismcenterforeducationalservices.com/documents/PLAAPF.pdf
  • Burns, M. K., Egan, A. M., Kunkel, A. K., McComas, J., Peterson, M. M., Rahn, N. L., & Wilson, J. (2013). . Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 28(2), 81-88. https://doi.org/10.1111/ldrp.12009
  • Brown, L. (2015, April 28 [Blog post]. Retrieved from: https://www.idealist.org/en/careers/a-quick-guide-to-writing-your-elevator-pitch
  • Cook, B. G., Tankersley, M., & Landrum, T. J. (2009). . Exceptional Children, 75(3), 365-383. Retrieved from http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/001440290907500306
  • Cornelius, K. E. (2014). . Teaching Exceptional Children, 47(2), 112-118. https://doi.org/10.1177/0040059914553204
  • Council for Exceptional Children. (2014). [Report]. Retrieved from https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0040059914531389