Excel and Your Career



My degree is Computer Information Systems

Todays companies are looking for employees to be proficient in Microsoft applications, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. Excel skills, in particular, are used in many companies across a wide range of career paths.In this weeks discussion, first go to the following website: . Then, type MS Excel in the What box and your zip code in the Where box; then, select Find Jobs. Then, answer the following questions:

  • Is there any position similar to your chosen career listed?
  • What is the name of the position? (If there is no job similar to your chosen career available, find one that interests you and use it to complete this discussion board.)
  • Looking at the job description, review the job duties listed and discuss which of these duties will require the use of Excel? Why?
  • What position(s) listed surprised you by requiring MS Excel skills? Explain your thoughts.
  • In your responses to others, based on the job title they listed, discuss other ways that the person might use Excel to complete the job duties.