Executive Data Analytics

 Please create a PowerPoint presentation that includes texts, charts, and graphs answering the questions 1-9 in the following case study: 

Question 1: What is the average travel time (commute) to work for individuals in your
metro area?
Question 2: What is the median household income for individuals within your state?
Question 3: How does the median income in your state compare to other states? (Hint: Use
a chart or map.)
Question 4: What is the population of your state?
Question 5: Is the population in your state growing or shrinking? By how much?
Question 6: What percent of the population within your state is between the ages of 20 and
Question 7: How many vehicles are available to the households within your state?
Question 8: How many individuals in your state take alternative methods cabs or bicycles
to get to work?
Question 9: Create a dashboard of two or more charts that you accessed on the website
and paste a screenshot here.