Exercise Physiology/Special Populations Exercise Training Guide: Final

For this assignment you must create a youth and older adult exercise training guide.  You will be creating two separate guides; one for each population. The guide should address basic considerations for strength, aerobic, and balance. This guide will be evidence-based and be designed for maintenance or improvement in function. Your guide for each population should include physiological considerations, possible limitations and special considerations, developmental considerations, and any other important/relevant physiological consideration that may make this population unique when compared to an 18-30 yo young adult. Be sure to include what physiological adaptations may occur and why they may occur as a function of your plan. This training guide must include examples of exercises, appropriate exercise prescription considerations (sets, reps, intensity, rest), and recommendations for progressions over time. The use of tables is encouraged for the program portion of this assignment, but not required. Page length should be 3-6 pages (not including the title page and reference list). At least one peer-reviewed source per population is required.