#Exp19 PowerPoint Ch01 CapAssessment Winter Camp
Project Description:
You are the director of Covenant Harbor and will be offering a winter day camp opportunity for boys and girls in grades 1-6 during the winter break from school. You have been asked to put together a presentation to advertise the winter camp.
Steps to Perform:
Points Possible
#Start PowerPoint. Download and open the file named Exp19_PPT_Ch01_CapAssessment_WinterCamp.pptx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename. Save the file to the location you are saving your files.
#Change the theme variant to the blue variant. (first row, fourth column).
#Change the theme font to TrebuchetMS.
#On Slide 1, type Winter Break Camp in the title placeholder and Friendships and Memories in the subtitle placeholder.
#Add a new slide after Slide 1 with the Title and Content layout. Type Overview in the title placeholder.
#Type the following bulleted text in the content placeholder at the level listed.
Dates (first level)
December 26, 27, 28, and 31 (second level)
8 am to 4 pm (second level)
Activities (first level)
Swimming (second level)
Sledding (second level)
Arts & Crafts (second level)
#Use the Reuse Slides option to insert all of the slides from Winter Break Camp.pptx after Slide 2.
Delete Slide 3. Move Slide 5 (Sledding) so that it becomes Slide 4.
#On Slide 1 insert the Snowflake.jpg image. Crop the image on all sides so that only the snowflake is remaining. Resize the image to height of 2.11 and the width to 2.22. Hint: Uncheck Lock aspect ratio in the Size pane.
#Apply the Beveled Oval, Black picture style to the inserted image. Position the image horizontally at 3.7″ and vertically at 4.3″.
#Apply the Fill: Dark Blue, Accent color 1; Shadow WordArt style to the text in the title placeholder (Winter Break Camp).
#Change the layout of Slide 7 to Panoramic Picture with Caption. Add the Snowman.jpg image in the picture placeholder. Apply the Drop Shadow Rectangle picture style.
#On Slide 6, convert the bulleted list to a Vertical Bullet List SmartArt graphic.
#Type the following in the Notes pane for Slide 1: Join Us for Winter Break Camp. (including the period).
#Create a Notes and Handouts footer with the following: Winter Camp Details. Apply to all.
#Check the presentation for spelling errors. Make corrections as needed on the slides.
#Save and close Exp19_PPT_Ch01_CapAssessment_Winter Camp.pptx. Submit the file as directed.
Total Points