Experimental design

1.Design an experiment given an experimental scenario


1.1 produced a prediction based on the experimental set-up.

1.2 correctly identified the dependent and independent variables in the experiment

1.3 explained how the independent variable could be changed giving a suitable range with correct units.

1.4 explained how the dependent variable could be measured, including units of measurement.

1.5 described how other key variables could be kept the same.

1.6 included controls designed to ensure a fair test.

3. record and process results of an experiment

3.1 produced and labelled table of results according to biological convention.

3.2 Calculated the mean value from experimental data

3.3 produced a hand drawn graph, presenting data in its most meaningful form, accurately plotting points, and labelling axes according to biological convention

4.  analyse the results of an experiment

4.1 described trends in the experimental results

4.2 explained trends in experimental results including reference to any anomalies

5.  evaluate the experimental methods used

5.1 Discussed the validity of conclusions and identified ways to improve the experiment