Explicate and evaluate the relevance of Foucauldian theorising with reference to contemporary critical public health scholarship OR studies of sexuality.

This is a 2000 word essay (excluding the bibliography); essays that deviate from this word count by more than 10% may be penalised. Essay questions should: Address the essay topic/examination question in its entirety i.e. cover allelements of the topic/question Include a good synthesis and evaluation of the literature pertaining to the essay topic/examination question (literature used should be relevant to the topic) Demonstrate a good understanding of the debates and present a logical and convincing argument Use examples appropriately to demonstrate theoretical point or argument being advanced Be well structured and presented including: introduction and conclusion; clear and appropriate use of headings and subheadings; precise use of language; correct spelling and good grammar Include the authors voice in the form of commentary/evaluation/ critique 7KEY TEXTS Allen, K. (2011) Contemporary Social and Sociological Theory. London: Sage. (2nded.) Appelrouth, S.A. and Edles, L.D. (2012) Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory.London: Sage.Calhoun, C.et al. (2007) Contemporary Sociological Theory. Oxford: Blackwell. (2nded)Harrington, A.(ed) (2005) Modern Social Theory. An Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ritzer, G. and Goodman (2003) Sociological Theory (6th Edition), Boston: McGraw-Hill.Stones, R. (ed) (2017) Key Sociological Thinkers. London: PalgraveADDITIONAL Q. What are the core features of Wallersteins World Systems Analysis and what is the relevance of such thinking in times of crisis?