extra credit


With this extra credit opportunity, you will visit any historical site or museum website (or virtual tour) that has connections with what we have learned in this class, and write a review of it. Secondly, tell me how it could be used in the US History classroom as a teaching tool (This info will be of great value to me for future classes). Post your review in the Discussions/. Note, you must post a thread before you can see the other threads. Length: 500 words or more. Due: April 30, 11:30 pm.

Below is a short list of museums and historic sites that you can view online, this is just a very short list  and there are hundreds more, so you don’t see anything here that you like, look for another cooler museum website online: Cut and paste the links into your browser.

  • Smithsonian, National Museum of American History: 
  • Smithsonian, National Museum of Natural History: 
  • Museum of the American Indian: 
  • National Womens History Museum: 
  • National Archives: 
  • The Jewish Museum: 
  • Frederick Douglass House: ,
  • National Museum of the US Navy: 
  • George Washingtons Mount Vernon: 
  • Museum of the American Revolution: 
  • Valley Forge: 
  • Thomas Jefferson, Monticello: 
  • American Battlefield Trust: 
  • Benjamin Franklin House: