Extra Credit- Quarterly Conversations in Global Health: Health and Racial Justice in the Black Community

This is an EXTRA CREDIT assignment.  In order to earn this credit you must register for the event or watch the recording and complete a short essay (see details below):

Watch the recording:


Requirement: Short Essay: Submit a short essay between 500-600 total words (Times New Roman font, 11) using a WORD document. Based on discussions during this event/recording, please answer the following three questions:

1. – What are some health effects suffered by Black Americans as a result of systemic and structural racism?

2. – What are some causes for the disproportionate rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the Black American population?

3. – What are some ways that members of the Global Health community can pursue racial justice in healthcare when the disparities of access and quality are ingrained in the system itself?