Family vignette

Please write a 3-page essay discussing your thoughts about the family vignette provided in the Neukrug text: David, Jan, and Children. This vignette is provided on pages 181-182.  Imagine you are the human service professional working with this family.  You are welcome to include more than the following questions in your essay, but be sure to at least address these topics in your essay:

1. Boundaries.  How would you describe the family’s boundaries?  Does the family have a scapegoat or identified patient? Provide examples.

2. Helping. What are the problem areas this family is experiencing?  What goals would you try to help the family establish?  What types of referrals would be helpful for David, Jan, and their children?  Provide examples.

3. Safety. Do you have any obligation to contact CPS for this family?  What are your concerns about safety, and how would you handle those concerns?  Provide examples.

Your essay should be 3 pages of text, plus a title page and reference page.  Your paper should be in proper APA format. Your essay should include at least 3 peer-reviewed references, which should be cited in your essay.  You are welcome to use the Neukrug text and any published journal articles.  Websites are not considered valid references in academic work.