Is your service confidential?
When you place an order with our company, we ask you to provide us with such personal information as your name, phone number, and email address. We need this data to keep you updated on the important things related to your order or account, and never share it with any third parties. We also don’t use your contact details for spamming you.
Is there a possibility of plagiarism in my completed order?
We complete each paper from scratch, and in order to make you feel safe regarding its authenticity, we check our content for plagiarism before its delivery. To do that, we use our in-house software, which can find not only copy-pasted fragments, but even paraphrased pieces of text. Unlike popular plagiarism-detection systems, which are used by most universities (e.g., we do not report to any public databases—therefore, such checking is safe.
How do I order a paper?
1. Fill in the order form. Be sure to include specific instructions regarding your paper and to upload any of the required materials. 2. Proceed with the payment. After you are through with the order form, you will need to make a payment via a preferable system. Right after that, you will be automatically provided with your personal order page where you can track your order’s progress, provide additional requirements, and send messages to your writer or support manager. 3. A personal writer is assigned to your order. Our qualified staff will choose the most suitable writer whose skills and experience match your field of study and paper’s details. In case the writer must have any particular software or literature in order to get the assignment done, please do not forget to mention this in your initial instructions. 4. Your paper is completed and delivered to your personal order page. You will be able to download an editable MS Word version of the order from your personal order page. If any changes are to be applied to the paper, you are always welcome to request a free revision with a new deadline for the writer.
Is it safe to make payments through your site?
Yes it is. We have put in secure measures to ensure that it is only we that have access to sensitive information that our clients send us. You can rest assured that your account is not prone to any fraudulent activity and you can make unlimited transactions with us.
Do you have a money back guarantee?
Yes we do. Our policies allow clients to request refunds at any stage of the order in the event that something goes wrong. We value our customers’ satisfaction, a virtue which has seen us enjoy a high customer satisfaction rate for years. We process quality based refunds in no more than 14 days while all other refunds are processed within 3-4 business days.
Is it ethical for me to get help for my academic work?
Our services are geared towards providing the much needed assistance to students who are overwhelmed or engaged in activities that require a lot of time input which consequently hinder then from accomplishing their academic tasks on time. We deliver original non-plagiarized work after thorough research.
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