
  1. Apply feminist literary theory to two texts. but your research sources may provide you with other concepts of feminist theory.
  • 4-5 pages not including work cited
  • Use 7th or 8th edition MLA
  • Discuss two texts 
  • 1-2 references per body paragraph 
  • Academic sources included 
  • Intro, thesis, body, and conclusion 
  • Avoid summarizing and do not explain plot
  • Avoid use of first person pronouns

The majority should discuss your interpretations, and the sources will support or add to your analysis. Your sources should support what you are saying in your paper but not be the focus. You should cite these sources with in-text citation in the body of your essay. You can use direct quotations, paraphrases, or summaries as textual evidence. 

correctly cite your sources. you need to provide an in-text citation. If you take anything word-for-word from a source, make sure to have it in quotation marks with an in-text citation. Papers with plagiarized.