FICA interview

  • You are to interview a patient using the FICA model. Your patient can be a family, friend, classmate but not a real patient. Please identify your patient by first name only. 
  • You can find appropriate FICA questions in the resources or in searching the internet. Evaluation of the FICA Tool for Spiritual Assessment has an excellent tool on page 166. Remember to prompt further with yes or no responses. 
  • You need to start with an introductory paragraph of your interview purpose and intent, your interviewee and the setting. 
  • Your transcript needs to include your specific interviewer questions and your interviewees responses. 
  • Afterwards, you will create a narrative paragraph summarizing the spiritual assessment that can be included in the patients medical record. 
  • A cover page is required but you do not need to adhere to any other APA writing expectations. 

Your submission should include:

  • Cover page 
  • A brief introduction (who, what, where) 
  • Interviewer questions & interviewee responses
  • Summary paragraph