File a News article of a reporter under threat

File your news article or video or powerpoint presentation about a journalist under threat here. You can decide whether you are going to write a standard hard news article detailing the journalist you’ve followed or whether you want to do a recorded video presentation – something more like a TV news piece. In either case you are a reporter explaining to your audience who the reporter uner threat is, where they work, what they cover, how they can under threat or punishment from a government or other entity, what reprocussions they suffered, whether they’ve been jailed or threatened and who is advocating for them. Use their own writing and reporting about them provided by Committee to Protect Journalists or PEN or Human Rights Watch or any of the press freedom organizations. A news article should be between 600 and 1,000 words. The video or powerpoint presentation should be less than five minutes. Substance and content count way more than style.

The reporter for selection is Oliver Dubois.