Film review


a 1,000 word review/analysis of either  (recommended, Module 5) or  (recommended, Module 4). Which film you choose to review is up to you. Both films are linked below. 

Your write-up should at minimum address the following:

  • A brief description of the film (What is the point of the movie? Does the director have a perspective? Do you agree with this viewpoint? Etc.)
  • A critical analysis of the film (What if anything was omitted from the film? Are there areas of the film that you disagree with? Etc. Explain.)
  • A detailed discussion of how the content of the movie relates to the course material
  • Anything else you think is worth noting

The final write-up is due by 11:59 pm on Friday, August 13.  

The assignment will be grading using this .

Street fight:

Policing the police: