FIN 351 – Essay: What are the impacts of COVID-19 on U.S. real estate market?

Please illustrate the impacts of COVID-19 on the U.S. real estate market using evidence, observation and forecast since February 2020. You could discuss the residential real estate market or commercial real estate market. The focus could be regional market or national market, or any specific sector in the real estate market. The essay is expected to be 3-4 pages with 12 font sizes and single space.

Make sure to include all the references (books, news, websites, academic papers, etc) at the end of your essay. Figures, Tables, and References list are not included in the 4-5 pages main text. Please update the name on the header of this file when you submit it. The due date is Monday, April 5th. This assignment takes 5 points out of your total grade.