

Final Assignment Instructions:

For the final project, you can choose the Microsoft Office application of your choice: Word, PowerPoint, or Excel.  Then, select a topic that is related to your field of study. For example, if you are in a nursing program, your topic could be on safety measures to protect nurses from infection diseases or how to maintain a medication log.  This project should utilize real information relating to your field.  The project you create should be useful and relevant. Make sure to include all of the elements below in your selected application:

Microsoft Word

Minimum of 3 pages including 4-5 paragraphs of text

A centered title

Page header with your name

Page number at the bottom

Three different fonts

Three different font sizes

Colored font at some point

Bolded font 

Underlined font

Use of Strikethrough 

Indented paragraphs

A Bullet point list

1.5 spaced lines

2 inserted images

1 table of any size (Include text in the table that aligns with your topic)

Microsoft PowerPoint

Design of your choice

Minimum of 7 slides with substantive content

Title slide with your topic and name

Three different fonts

Three different font sizes

Colored font at some point

Bolded font 

At least 5 Images

At least 2 Shapes

A table with content relevant to your topic 

A footer with your name

Slide numbers

Transitions between on each slide

An animation on each slide

Speaker notes explaining each slide as if you were presenting it

Microsoft Excel

Two worksheets

Color code and name the worksheet tabs

On worksheet one: 

Create a spreadsheet with at least 5 columns and 10 rows 

Create a title row

Use the Merge and Center feature for the title row

Use cell shading for the header row

Provide column headers

Bold and underline column headers

Three different fonts

Three different font sizes

Colored font at some point

Bolded font 

Apply cell borders

Apply at least 3 different formulas to the spreadsheet

Use the sort function to alphabetize row one (a to z)

On worksheet two: 

Insert a chart or graph using the data from spreadsheet one

Insert two images that align with the topic