final discussion

Answer the next question in no more than 75 words 

 Unit 10, Discussion Prompt Option 2

Real Life

Verbal prompts are typically described as being the least intrusive prompts. However, vocal verbal prompts can be the most difficult to fade. Have you ever struggled to engage in behavior without a vocal verbal prompt or have you worked with clients who appeared dependent on vocal verbal prompting? How might you transfer stimulus control to a naturally occurring stimulus?

Reply to both of your friend’s discussion posts:

1 day agoTheresa Provenzano Unit 10, Discussion Prompt Option 2

Unit 10, Discussion Prompt Option 2

I have struggled with working with clients who appeared dependent on vocal verbal prompting. I worked with a client that was 5 years old non-verbal and we would use verbal prompts to get him to clap his hands and it was extremely hard to fade after a while on working on the skill. To transfer stimulus control to a naturally occurring stimulus we used musical instruments to clap instead of saying clap your hands.

1 day agoErin Carey Week 10 Discussion prompt 2

I have used verbal prompts for many of my clients. I currently work with a 3 year old who often becomes distracted, do I use verbal prompts to bring him back to what we were doing. If he is working on a puzzle and becomes distracted, I say puzzle. This often brings him back to working on his puzzle. Sometimes, however, he is so distracted that a verbal prompt doesnt work. In this case, I tap the table to draw his attention back to the puzzle that he is working on.