Final Draft 20

This essay should be at least 1,000 words. It should have an intro, conclusion, and as many body paragraphs as you need to fulfill length requirements. There should be at least two quotes from your story in each body paragraph with signal phrases. You should use MLA format completely, which means you should have a heading and header as well as in-text citations and a works cited page with a “story from an anthology” style citation. If you didn’t get MLA correct last time, make sure you follow the link I provided and you get it exactly right this time. It is easy once you learn it. I will be giving you another essay example, which will have the correct MLA formatting.   

Make sure that you read all of my feedback on your last essay and are applying it to this essay. If you do not fix mistakes, especially easy ones like MLA formatting errors, I will assume you aren’t reading my feedback. Also, I will count off more and more for mistakes I have already given you feedback on. Therefore, you should go ahead and make sure you fix these errors. This counts less towards feedback I gave you on your content. Grammar, formatting errors, missed assignment parameters (like using signal phrases), etc. are really what I am looking at in regards to this cumulative point deduction. As far as content goes, you will greatly improve the more you write exclusively about the quotes that you are using, specifically introducing them at first and explaining how they connect to your thesis afterwards. The more that you do that, the better your essay and therefore your grade will be. That implies also that you have a strong thesis back there holding all of your analysis together. Hopefully, you all are getting a better idea of the controlling idea from your feedback.