Part ILiterature from North America: Your assignment is to write a 2 page essay about The Theme of Maturation in the short stories of Alice Munro and Junot Daz. Begin by selecting any THREE SHORT STORIES of your personal choice that we have read for the last two weeks in this recent module. After selecting your chosen three stories to discuss, focus on the main characters journeys and all that you feel that learning & maturing & growing entails in these short stories that youve selected. Read or reread to analyze either two Munro stories and one Diaz story, or two Diaz stories and one Munro story. Please note that for your convenience Ive placed PDFs in both Weeks Fifteen and Weeks Sixteen course content. Carefully draft and fine-tune your ideas and be sure to proofread your final work and submissions for Spring 2021 (Seventy-five points).
Submission Instructions:
Write at least 2-2 page essay, double spaced, using TN Roman, or standard 12-point font. Due date: Wednesday, May 5th @ 11:59PM
Part IILiterature from Africa: Your assignment is to write a brief essay of approximately 500 words about Ngugi Wa Thiogos Wedding at the Cross in which you focus on the main characters and their lives. Analyze why Miriamu, raised in a life of Westernized & more modern privilege, seems to suffer no ill effects in giving that life up, while Wariuki, who has never known such a life, longs for having such a life? Compare and contrast the different effects colonial life has on the minds of these two characters & note how theyre caught in larger economic & cross-cultural patterns. Keep in mind that this is a shorter so more succinct & focused essay. Carefully draft and fine-tune your ideas and be sure to proofread your final submission for Spring semester (Twenty-five points).
Submission Instructions: Write at least 200 words & add to same document, double spaced, TN Roman, or 12-point font. Due date: Wednesday, May 5th @ 11:59PM