final project

An explanation of how the physical environment affects the individual/class
How your classroom environment will allow for collaboration
A description of what your ideal classroom would contain (reading corner, classroom library, hands on stations, centers, computers, ipads, tables vs. desks, sink, storage, colorsdream big!)
Include 5 pictures/diagrams/illustrations of bulletin boards and or teaching charts that will be used in your classroom. This can be embedded in the document or attached at the end.

List what needs to be in place on the first day of school
Explain what you will do the first day of school. Include at least 2 Get to Know You Activities
Include the script of what you would write on a postcard to welcome students to your classroom before school starts (elementary only)
Back to School Night Agenda to cover with parents
Attachments: school supply list, classroom schedule (elementary only), a sample letter to parents (2 pages max) introducing yourself and including a summary of classroom rules/expectations, classroom policies, contact information, etc. Be sure to indicate how you know parents received the letter and read it.

Communication  with parents
How and what will you include in your communication on a weekly basis?
Collaboration (teachers/families/students)
Tips for parents/teacher conferences