Final Reflective Summary

Compile an original essay of 3-5 pages in APA (7th edition) format that integrates what you have
learned in the course. This essay has to be unique
• BRIEF JOB DESCRIPTION (Use Cyber Risk Analyst) (3-4 sentences):
• How did your practicum experience change and/or reinforce your views and assumptions
about the course material relative to application and process?
• What have you learned during your practicum (on the job)?
• How have your abilities in this area changed?
• What more, if anything, to you want to learn?
• What benefits have you gained from your practicum in terms of your career and/or
personal goals?
• Please describe any other elements of your practicum experience you would like to
reflect upon.
Course Readings:
Individuals @
Introduction and
Individual Behavior & DecisionMaking
Week 1:
Chapter 1: 1-1, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7a
Chapter 3, Chapter 4, & Chapter 8
Motivating Employees
Week 2
Chapter 5 and Chapter 6
Groups @ Work
Interpersonal Behavior &
Week 3
Chapter 7
Power, Politics, & Conflict
Week 4
Chapter 10 & 13
@ Work Leadership & Culture
Week 5
• Chapter 15
Week 6
• Chapter 14
Organizational Structures &
Week 7
• Chapter 16