Final Report


 My Topic is Research Methods in Cyber Threat Intelligence

  1. Define each area/domain and its significance. For example, those working on Blockchain based Cyber Threat Intel. will define in detail, about what blockchain tech. and Cyber Threat Intelligence is.
  2. Define  how significant and relevant that problem to Cybersecurity, and what kind of threats are there which need to be addressed.
  3. In the third section, you will be summarizing, each state of the art techniques focused towards addressing above discussed issues that have been published in the last 10 years.
  4. In the last section you will try to answer the gap or the un-addressed issues, which has yet to be answered (of course in your perspective)
  5. Present it

For sections 1 and 2 you can use any unpublished (but reliable source) information, which includes, Tech. reports, or tech magazines (avoid social media-based articles they are not viable sources of information).For section 3 and 4, you will only have to cite at least 15  peer-reviewed articles, from conferences, journals, and book chapters. No other citation will be accepted. I will check plagiarism using online software, so if you have copied and pasted from anywhere on the internet it will be visible in the report. This means, you are only allowed 20% of overlap with internet material, and you will have to write everything in your own words.  Plagiarism over 20% will simply entail zero marks.