Final This is a 4-6 page paper assignment on a biographical topic related to the history of Christian thought from the Reformation through the Twentieth Century and into the 21st. Here is a list of s


This is a 4-6 page paper assignment on a biographical topic related to the history of Christian thought from the Reformation through the Twentieth Century and into the 21st.

Here is a list of suggested biographical topics: (Ask Dr. Lang by email about other topics.)A Pope from this period, the issues of his time, his legacy, your own evaluation.Suggestions: St. Paul VI, St. John XXIII, St. John Paul II, Pius IX, Benedict XVI, Francis.

A modern saint and how he/she fits into Christian history.Suggestions: St. Therese of Lisieux, St. (Mother) Theresa of Calcutta, St. Kateri Tekawitha, St. Charles de Foucald, St. John Henry Newman. etc.


Do NOT rewrite the life of your topic/person. Rather, begin with a short summary of the most important facts of this person’s life as related to Christian history.

Explain this person’s great achievements and great challenges.

Evaluate his or her contribution to the history of the Church. How did they make it better? What problem of their times did they solve?

Use at least 3 sources. One MUST be from a scholarly journal/publication. One must be a book/biography of the person. Cite all sources used. Use good grammar and get a proofreader.

This assignment is worth 200 points! Start early and make sure you follow the Rubric for Assignments, especially regarding citations, APA style and format