Financial Analysis


Financial Analysis 

For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned  thus far from the   unit lessons and required unit resources. 

You will conduct a financial  analysis of the Coca-Cola  Company and PepsiCo.   Write a five-page paper that  evaluates each firm, and  provide your findings     and recommendation for  investment or employment. 

Your paper should consist of the components listed  below.

  • Provide a company overview for both companies, which should be one page in                            length. 
  • Include a comparison of three accounting methods (i.e., receivables, depreciation, and inventory valuation), which should be one      page     in       length             (formatted either as a table or an      outline).    
  • Provide four ratio calculations (i.e., one ratio each for liquidity, solvency, profitability, and market) as well as an analysis,        which         should   be           two pages in length. 
  • Include your recommendations and conclusions, which should be one page in                            length. 

You are encouraged to utilize the resources below to  support your  findings.              

PepsiCo. (2019). .     

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2019). .       

You may submit an appendix with any research you  conductedbeyond the         companies most recent 10-Ksto support your analyses and  recommendations.        Your  paper should include appropriate reference  citations.

Write your responses in a Word document, and include at least two resources     to support your findings. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and        references for this assignment.