financial markets

 You should prepare an executive memo and submit a document in Word format. Wordcount between 1500-2000.

 You should submit an Excel file used to perform your calculations.


 Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.

 Font: Arial 12,5 pts. 

 Text alignment: Justified. 

1.  Assume you are an investment advisor. Your client is unsure what are the main benefits and reasons for investing in a Mutual Fund or in an index fund with an ETFs.

a.  Explain the main differences and similarities between each other

b.  Explain what are the main advantage and disadvantage of investing in mutual funds or ETFs versus investing in Equity Stocks.

c.  Explain the difference between investing in fixed income and an ETF that follows the S&P 500.

d.  Explain the main difference between active and passive management

e.  Explain what is a sector fund

2.  Go to https://

a.  What information does provide the Morningstar Style Box?

b.  Morningstar assigns a Rating to each Mutual Fund. What are the criteria they use to assign this rating?

c.  Use the information provided above (style box and ratings) to choose 2 different mutual funds/ETFs (4 funds/ETFs per each portfolio) to prepare 2 portfolios for 2 different types of investors:

i.  Aggressive

ii.  Conservative

iii.  The total amount to invest in each portfolio is 10.000.

d.  In half a page for each portfolio, explain:

i.  The rationale behind choosing the given funds/ETFs per each portfolio

ii.  The criteria chosen to build each portfolio

e.  Follow up the prices for all 2 portfolios for a week. Calculate the return for each portfolio at the end of theweek. Explain your results.