Fiverr Course

Educating and consulting customers on how to set up a Fiverr account. We are providing weekly/daily videos all year long and we are consistently updating our videos to guarantee we are providing the most up to date information. (E.G. How to set up your Gigs, How to select your niche, How to select your Gig Title, How to Select your Gig Tags, How to choose your file types, How to write/price your Gig Packages, How to write your Gig description, How to write your Gig FAQ, How to write your Gig requirements when you sell your Gig. How to understand the Graphic Design language, How to select your Fiverr Gig images,  Educating and consulting on how to receive orders, How to speak with clients…

Here is a sample script, we need about 10 mins long videos