for all work solver

Respond to Tiffany and Jason. Work to expand the discussion by contributing unique, relevant content (personal/professional experiences or examples) or by expanding and adding depth to the thoughts and ideas shared by your peers (presenting different strategies in the book, or new ideas and thoughts, or similar personal/professional experiences to connect with). Per the rubric criteria, responses should be relevant and meaningful as they relate to the topics presented in the discussion.

Tiffany post

What Mr. Paul LeBlanc said in the end…”the pressure of being urgent.” ultimately defines the difference.  In my opinion, I believe any person can be productive without rushing, in fact, we sometimes may be even more productive when we take our time with things.  

Personally, I find myself to be most productive when I am busy (what a contradiction) because I love to multi-task.  Working at a fast pace, taking control, and organization are things that I am best at.  Partially because I am a very on demand person, whereas assignments that are systematic and finely tuned are extremely tedious for me.  

But then there’s just plain Busy, no productivity, no team work, no air to come up and breathe… jokingly… is another overwhelming feeling, when all you can say at the end is “what a day!”, and finally remember everything you forgot to complete for the day on your drive back  home.  Adding those task on your list of things to do for tomorrow.  That’s Unproductive Busy.  

As a student I believe I will incorporate the Time Management Matrix into my life.  I feel like I can use this Matrix on a weekly basis, because like Mr. Greg Fowler said “Life is like a shark…” and when I’m not moving forward I feel stuck, but I would also enjoy some tools that will help me become better organizer.

Jason post

Everyone has their way of feeling productive. I believe I am most productive when I can have enough time to complete something meaningful. Productive versus busy is just that when I am productive, something good is being produced from work. Staying busy or engaged to me is just making time go by in a way where work is not accomplished and maybe a distraction. There is a difference between being busy and productive because business is a time taker, and productivity is performing a task with a sense of accomplishment. I am prioritizing my health issues with academics to finish my degree in a somewhat manageable time. School and my health are really what are important to me right now. Paul LeBlanc just described the difference between staying busy and productive, and it makes sense.

Please be sure to ask Malinda and Lori questions and comment on your peers’ responses, especially on those who did not select the same approach as you did. Be sure to respond to their questions and comments regarding your own response.

Malinda post

I really like existential therapy because I feel it is more philosophical and tries to get the client in tuned with finding ones true self or reason for existence and because of this I would use that type of therapy on Glenda. I say this because even though it seems Glenda has no issue with self esteem and she is very open about being manipulative towards men to get what she desires, it also seems that in doing so she has lost touch with her true self. She is beginning to question if she is really even a person at all or just some made up “barbie”. She has no set goals or direction on what she is good at or hobbies she may like to enjoy doing. She feels like her life is meaningless and has a void. She also feels as if all she is-is what she looks like from the outside but has nothingness on the inside. Upon allowing Glenda to break down her wall and chip away at her outside appearance and have her realize the good she has inside her, then she wouldn’t feel so empty inside. I think having the therapy focus solely on what she wants out of life, what she is good at, what hobbies she enjoys, would greatly improve her thought process and have her find her true self instead of just feeling like she is nothing. During therapy I would work with her on having her go deep down to her roots when she was a child and to explain what interested her, what made her happy. Then I would have her create a list of dreams and desires that would make her happy today. This would give her meaning in life. Short term goals would build upon her self determination and commitment. I would advise that it is ok to be alone. We all need alone time with ourselves to find ourselves but that doesn’t mean you have no existence in this world. I think building upon all this, Glenda would definitely benefit from it.

Lori post

Hello everyone, I personally think both are similar but offering different ways to help. I think Glenda would benefit with existential therapy, since she seems like she is trying to find herself and that is what is so good about that therapy. She does not have issues in self esteem she is aware of how she manipulates to get what she wants. Person centered is more on helping the individual be more independent, which is not Glendas issues. I would want to try to get her to see what she is inside and bring that person out to shine more. Have her try and realize she does not need to be the barbie or what she thinks is making her happy because it not filling that void.

Respond to Nicole, Amy, Michael,  be constructive and professional.

Nicole post

Social value can be described as a measurement of the relative importance and it depends on the individual’s experience and the various changes that they experience in their lives. Whereas, economic value can be described as the benefits provided by a service or a product to an individual or a group of individuals.

Organizations tend to think on only a single type of value rather than both because concentrating on a single type of value helps organizations to formulate their product effectively and efficiently. Whereas, keeping in mind both the values will cause the product or service useless or it will be unable to make an impact.

It is more about the organization’s motive and objectives, for example, a not for profit organization’s objective and genesis is based on created equitable social value in the society. These not for profit organizations work toward the social value creation and the economic value is created as an additional outcome of their actions for the creation of social value.

Amy post

Economic values are that the purchaser’s benefit of obtaining a good. The economic value is reliant upon the purchaser’s value to the product while the social value is driven by life experiences. Social values are the value society reaps from the goods received; things that influence our life. Companies tend to focus on the economic value as it provided financial benefits. Companies are in the business to make money, so they focus on economic values.

“A shared purpose is an essential part of developing effective workplace cultures and one of the founding principles of practice development in establishing person-centered, safe, and effective practices that enable everyone to flourish” (Manley et al.,2014).Companies can benefit from a shared value framework as it not only strengthens the economy but the community as well. If a company takes care of its people, the people will, in turn, take care of their job which will add economic value in the long-run. If a company has a great retention rate of employees due to benefits and overall care, concern, and benefits for the employee, they will spend less on loss due to lack of employees, and training new employees. If a person cares for their corporation, they are going to give it their all, doing a better job than those that dont.

Michael post

Being naturally herd animals, humans like to feel that they are part of something bigger than themselves. That’s why institutions, like schools and the military, try to instill a sense of shared purpose in people. That’s why they do things like make you wear uniforms, make you attend certain morale building functions (e.g. pep rallies, pride days, parades, proms), give you indicators of your progress through the system (e.g. rank, grade), make you take part in certain rituals (e.g. freshmen/ new recruit hazing), etc. 

High school is a good example of communitas. Think of all the things you did in high school for instance. It’s been said that high school is a microcosm of American society, and the people you hang out with in high school say a lot about who you are as a member of American society. For instance, the cheerleaders become the soccer moms, the nerds become the computer engineers, and the jocks become the blue collar workers. Of course, these are stereotypes, but our high school selves do affect who we become as adults.

Communitas can also be used to perpetuate stereotypes. Sometimes being part of one community may mean that you have to denigrate those of another community. Communitas is a powerful thing to overcome though. No one likes feeling like an “outsider” in their own group. How can we get people who are in a group that perpetuates these divisions to see past their own group’s attitudes?

Dorothy post

My primary group would be my household. The part I play most is the leader. I control when bills are paid, groceries, and most of the cleaning. I keep the household floating as well as keeping everyone on good terms. The secondary group is my work. I am friendly but do not make any attempts to make a connection outside of work. I am there to do my job and go home. Primary by moving in I became apart of this group. With my secondary I got the job. I learned at a young age work and home are to be kept separate. At home I am more relaxed and will joke around in a very informal way. Whereas at work my joking around is very reserved and very little emotion. The difference in the groups I belong to is the people themselves. My household is a bunch of misfits as society would call us, whereas at work we all seem to be there for the same reason to do our jobs and go home. I believe sociologists can explain why these two groups are so different. When at home I can be myself fully and not feel judgement from anyone I live with. At work I have the eyes of my co works and boss on me at all times.