for math guruu


I have attach your statistical analysis report you done which is milestone 1. I have also attach milestone 2 and 3. I have attach the template to use and also a sample template. 


Submit your statistical analysis report. In this submission, you will complete Section II, Parts C, D, E, and F; Section III, Part A; and Sections IV and V. You will then combine those with the work you have done in your milestones. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final project.

SECTION 2  Data Analysis

C. Explain how statistical procedures can help you determine whether the data is attributable to chance factors. 

D. Compute the mean and the standard deviation for each set of data using appropriate abbreviations and terminology. 

E. Prepare an appropriately labeled histogram for each set of data. 

F. Evaluate the shape of each distribution using your created histograms. In other words, what does the shape of each distribution tell us about the data?  

SECTION 3 Hypothesis

A. Determine whether one mean is higher, showing how you made the determination.  

SECTION 4  Result 

A. Based on your results, determine whether the data provide evidence for a valid effect. 

B. Explain whether or not the results are statistically significant. Support your response with results from the data analysis. 

C. Present properly labeled graphs representing the data analysis results detailed clearly for ease of stakeholder interpretation. 

SECTION 5 Conclusion

A. Explain your interpretation of the data. In other words, based on your results, what do you think the data mean? What are the potential implications of this data for the stakeholders? What do these results mean for future research into the topic area? 

B. Justify the data analysis procedures you used to reach your interpretation. 

C. Discuss whether it would be appropriate to conduct more statistical procedures to further interpret the data.