For this assignment, you will begin by reviewing the instructor supplied material on the topic of motivational interviewing, linked. After your review and reflection upon the material, you will assemb

  • For this assignment, you will begin by reviewing the instructor supplied material on the topic of motivational interviewing, linked. After your review and reflection upon the material, you will assemble a thoughtful detailed response to the following questions: 
  • What is motivational interviewing and how can you use it with clients?
  • Is motivational interviewing a useful tool with clients? Yes or no? Why or Why not?
  • Explain, in detail, the four basic processes of motivational interviewing?
  • Describe the spirit of motivational interviewing and how it relates to the Marty Roberts example with horses?
  • Explain the OARS and how they are used in motivational interviewing?
  • Describe how to use the DARN CAT acronym to recognize change talk in clients during motivational interviewing?
  • Describe how to use the EARS acronym to elicit and strengthen change talk in motivational interviewing?
  • Explain the concept of client resistance and how do might overcome it using motivational interviewing?
  • Explain how to develop a change plan in motivational interviewing?
  • Based on the information from consolidating commitment, transitioning and blending, explain how to the client “Life the Burden” as Miller describes using motivational intervieiwng?

Your submission should be a typed document listing each of the bulleted questions and providing a detailed summary response to each question.
