For this assignment, you will complete an onscreen edit of a whitepaper. Download the MS Word file you will edit.


To complete your work, you received a Word file that was created by converting a PDF file. (The original Word file hasnt been located.)

Your editing instructions were to:

  • Use track changes and the comments features in Word for pertinent queries or comments.
  • Deliver the edited document with only comments in balloons; all edits should appear in-
    line rather than in balloons.
  • Follow the and the as your standard references. For editing recommendations that require justification, cite MWSG in a comment.
  • Use standard spelling at MEDHOST, which differs from Merriam-Webster: healthcare (one word).
  • Copyedit for (1) style (i.e., conciseness, parallelism, voice, word choice, and tone), (2)
    mechanics (i.e., punctuation, modifiers, agreement, pronouns, and misspellings or typos), and (3) the following aspects of format:
    • Make normal style 12-point Gill Sans.
    • Make level 1 headings 14-point, boldface Tahoma (RGB: 0,67,134), flush with the left margin.
    • Make level 2 headings 12-point, boldface Gill Sans (RGB: 0,67,134), flush with the left margin.
    • Use 12-point leading before and after all headings.
    • Use no first-line indent for paragraphs after headings.
    • Use 0.3-inch indent for lists.
    • Make all text (i.e., normal and list) single spaced and left-justified. Leave the margins as is.
      o Use the styles feature in Word so that future format changes can be accomplished quickly.
    • Do not directly edit visuals, including the title, footers, photos, and charts, but enter
      comments with any editing suggestions for the graphic designer, whose work begins after your edits are approved.

Upload your edited .docx file to Canvas (saved as <lastnamefirstname_OEA>) by the due date.

You should complete this assignment by yourself. While you may ask questions and seek information from other sources, the work you submit should clearly represent your own efforts.


I will evaluate your work based on your ability to find actual errors and use clean onscreen
editing technique to correct them. You get no points for marking text that has no error, even if
your onscreen editing is clean. You do not lose points for missing an error. If you miss an error,
those are points you didnt earn and errors that will appear in the work you send to your boss and
the product manager (*gasp), which will harm your reputation as an editor.

The onscreen edit assignment is worth 150 points or 15% of your final course grade.