Within a few days after a job interview, you should write and send in a letter of thanks. In most cases, it is okay to send this letter via email. However, if time permits, a handwritten letter is always better.

Using the job described in the ad you( REGISTERED NURSING JOB ) targeted in your budget assignment, pretend you already interviewed with the supervisor and write a thank-you letter in response. Your letter should be professionally written as discussed in this lesson. Use the letter to incorporate at least one of the following thank you letter concepts:

Stress how well you fit in with the company culture, especially now that you know more about it having gone through the interview.
Build on the strengths of the interview and emphasize the match between you and the job.
Bring up anything you thought of after the interview that is pertinent to the employer’s concerns.
Do damage control to carefully address anything that went wrong in the interview.
Restate your understanding of the next step in the process.
Restate your enthusiasm for the job.
The thank-you letter you write for this assignment should:

be submitted as a Word document.
be in professional letter format, single-spaced, 12 pt font, and 1 inch margins.
be relatively brief. Three (3) paragraphs is fine, although it can be longer.
not contain typos/misspellings. Like the resume, in the work place, a thank-you letter is highly judged if there are typos or misspellings.
refer to an attachment that contains references. You do not need to attach anything, just tell the reader there is an attachment.