Fortune’s Child: A Novel of Empress Theodora And Secret history

you did this paper for me a few weeks ago nothing wrong with paper. Except a fault on my part I gave you one wrong book. the actual books I need compared were Prokopios and Anthony Kaldellis, Secret History with Related Texts. and James Conroyd Martin. Fortune’s Child: A Novel of Empress Theodora. If you could do this paper for me once again, it would be greatly appreciated.
Here are the instructions once again
Students will write a 4 paged essay comparing and contrasting the two, arguably, fictional treatments of Empress Theodora in Fortune’s Child  and Secret History.

Writing Guidelines:

You MUST have a thesis statement. This is what you are arguing what your paper is going to PROVE. Make this the LAST SENTENCE in your OPENING paragraph.
NO quotes. None.
NO outside sources. None.
Do not use the following words use strong verbs instead
6. Do not use very find a better word ie, instead of very big use gigantic

7. Do not use contractions (no cant, etc. use can not instead)

8. NO headings

9. Write 4 FULL pages so, better to write 4 pages so you can be eligible for the maximum number of points

10. Do not restate your thesis in your conclusion — this is where you bring everything together — you closing argument. Don’t punt the conclusion as it is the last thing I read before assigning a grade.

Info on how to do a compare/contrast paper:

DO NOT SUMMARIZE! That is not what a compare/contrast paper is. Do not write what the Theodora book is about and then write what the Secret History book is about. Again, that is not a comparison/contrast paper.  SEE THE ATTACHED FILE … READ IT, understand it, and if you have any questions, let me know. YOU WILL HAVE TO COMPARE CONTRAST ON THE EXAMS TOO…

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