Fragile states

For our first discussion, go to the Fragile States Index (Links to an external site.) online and choose any country of interest. Read about the indicators ( (Links to an external site.)); you can click on the individual indicators to learn more about any of the 12.  Then read about how these apply to your country of interest. A good place to view a snapshot of your country is through the Fragile States Index 2020 Country Dashboard. Choose a country from the drop down menu (available at:  (Links to an external site.)) and then answer the following prompt.

Discussion 1 Prompt:

Tell us how the country scores overall (the total score and what it means) and on two of these indicators. After you have done so, read over the forum and reply with something substantive to two of your classmates (e.g., a similarity with your country; some common knowledge that their post challenges; etc.).