Fun home prep #2

OPTION A: A PROPER BURIAL:  As you can see on the front page of the WIKI, Alison Bechdel has described her book as way of giving her father a proper burial. Youll soon see how complicated that istry to carefully explain a few of these issues. (Chapter Two is the best place to start, but the complications surely dont end there.) NOTE: There is a HANDOUT about this topic on our BB site, and we will discuss it via ZOOM. It should really help you take some notes to get started!

OPTION B: A HOUSE FULL OF BOOKS:  In the essays by President Barack Obama and Isabel Allende, both speak of the ways in which books gave voice to ideas and feeling they had had but were not able to recognize or express. In Fun Home, its hard to find a scene in which Bruce or Alison is not holding a book. They also make a point to share books and discuss them. Again, please avoid writing a list, and focus on a specific scene (or two) and the series of texts that help Bruce or Alison to learn about themselves or to reveal something to each other. (The WIKI might help with some background and choices. Also see the HANDOUT on our BB site.)

Please write a post of at least 250 words about ONE of these OPTIONS. Please make sure to refer to specific scenes. It is worth 4 points. DUE DATE: By midnight on Monday, May 24th.