gender stereotyping and movement to gender inclusivity

Gender Stereotyping and Gender-Inclusivity in Advertising

The representation of gender in advertising and marketing communications has been a major concern of scholars for at least the last 40 years. However, many advertising studies continue to assume that gender identities are monolithic, there being only one kind of masculinity and one kind of femininity and nothing in between. More recently transgender, gender non-conforming and non-binary consumers are starting to factor into how advertisers market and target many of their products and services. According to Chatterjee and Monroe (2020: n.p.) Traditional Western views on gender where people fit neatly into predefined concepts and behaviours of masculinity and femininity are giving way to inclusivity that allows more individualised and authentic manifestations of gender beyond the binary models. Write an essay (2000 words) on gender stereotyping and the move to genderinclusivity in advertising