General Psychology Movie Review

Select one of the movies from the list below for this assignment.  Watch the movie completely and then write a 4-5 page reaction paper using the guide questions listed below. This is a 50 point assignment and must be completed according to the assignment guidelines.  NO SPACING AT ALL BETWEEN SENTENCES!!!!!!!

Movie Selection Group:  (choose one)
Primal Fear – Color of Night – 3 Faces of Eve – Sybil – Psycho – Voices Within – Fatal Attraction – As Good as it Gets – Mercury Raising – Rain Man – Seven – Silence of the Lambs – Red Dragon – The Fisher King Me, Myself and Irene Fight Club I am Sam One flew over the Cuckoos nest What about Bob? I am Legend Shutter Island The Horse Whisper Michael Clayton Ordinary People The Aviator Single White Female Natural Born Killers Misery Patch Adams Twelve Monkeys Taxi Driver Blue Sky- Crazy People Radio Any in the Batman Series

[You may make suggestions/requests on a current movie that does not appear on this lst]

Guide Questions:
1) Identify ALL the psychological disorders and who have them in the movie.

2) Identify and explain how these disorders manifest themselves in the characters and the social settings of the movie.

3) Identify and explain the processes of assistance that the individual(s) and others receive during the course of the movie to remedy or maintain the disorder?

4)  What social, cultural and or individual problems do the characters of the movie have in dealing with these disorders?  How does this disorder(s) effect in a positive or negative fashion others in the movie?

Paper Guidelines:
-> at least 4-5 pages, typed, double-spaced with 1 inch margins.  Title page then body of the paper with correct subheadings corresponding to the guide questions.  Movie must be correctly sited on a bibliography page at the end of the paper.  The movie can be watched in a group setting, however the paper is an individual assignment.  NO group papers.

Movie Site Example:

Maas, J.B. (Producer), & Gluck D.H. (Director).  (1979). Deeper into hypnosis [Film].  Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.