
Assume that you are an educational psychologist hired to consult on gifted student program development. Write a letter to the gifted parents of one of your students letting them know the good news that their 7-year-old child has been identified as gifted.

Be sure to explain the story and context before the child was formally identified. Explain how that identification was made and provide some context (e.g., the child was reading at a grade level far beyond their current level, so you did some observation).

    Discuss what giftedness means and does not mean.
    Explain how the child was formally identified.
    Discuss the various perspectives on intelligence in plain words.
    Address changes, challenges, and opportunities that they can expect.
    Give them tips for supporting their gifted child.
    Describe the gifted program looks like at the students grade level.

As you begin to write, use a professional, but conversational tone. Avoid using lingo and too many references to literature. However, you should identify the names (e.g., Gardner) of the scholars that developed the ideas you share with them. Put yourself in the parents shoes. What would you ask if you were them? What would you need to know? Be mindful of how you might approach parents differently based on diversity issues. For instance, what if a mother explained that Suzette is just fine with her regular classes, just like her dad and me? Think about how you might approach a student from a marginalized or minority culture, or a low-socioeconomic background.

Length: Your letter should be 2-4 pages.

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly references.

Your letter should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards.