Summer 2022 SOCI 4730-02
The 2nd Reading and Reflection Paper (20%) Guidelines
This reading and reflection paper aims to prepare you to develop your intellectual capacity to
analyze various global social problems both in historical and contemporary contexts and to
understand how global social changes have been made.
In this paper, you will (1) identify and analyze different global social problems we have covered
from topics 7 to 10 (e.g. ongoing colonial practices, climate change, racism, and global
refugee/migrant crisis, etc.) in relation to different colonial history and capitalist interests, and
(2) discuss how different groups in the world have challenged these global social problems and
brought forth global social changes.
This reading and reflection paper covers topic 7, 8, 9 and 10. Focus only on the course materials
(You do NOT need to do any external research) and demonstrate a strong understanding of the
course materials (both lecture content [lecture ppt files & videos] and assigned readings). Try to
include major themes from each week.
Provide an introduction and conclusion. In-text citation (APA Style 7th edition) & bibliography is
required when you address the assigned readings & lecture ppt files.
Required length: 1,000 (minimum) – 1,500 (maximum) excluding bibliography
Deadline: 11:55 pm on July 28th (Thursday) via Moodle.
[Grading Rubric]
A- to A+ (16-20/20)
Overall: grammar and spelling mistakes minimal to none, sentences flow and are
internally coherent, no run-on sentences or sentence fragments.
– The paper has a clear and cohesive structure and addresses all key elements of the
given question.
– The paper demonstrates a strong understanding of the course materials (assigned
readings and lecture materials) and is clearly presented in one’s own words. (*note: A
few direct quotations are allowed if they are inevitable).
– This paper fulfils the required length.
– The paper cites all material appropriately and consistently.
B- to B+ (14-15.5/20)
– Overall: grammar and spelling mistakes minimal, sentences are well-constructed,
minimal run-on sentences or sentence fragments.
– The paper has a clear and cohesive structure and addresses the key elements of the
given question, but it may include some simplified statements or slight
misrepresentations of key points from the readings and class materials.
– The paper incorporates the required course materials but not to the full extent
– This paper fulfils the required length.
– The answer cites all material appropriately and consistently.
C- to C+ (11-13.5/20)
– Overall: grammar and spelling mistakes frequent, sentences are understandable, but
would be clearer with a careful proof-read.
-The paper does not fulfil the required the length.
– This paper includes lecture materials and assigned readings, but not to the full
extent possible.
-This paper includes simplified statements or misrepresentations of key points from
the readings and class material.
– This paper includes many direct quotations.
-The answer attempts to cite sources, but does so incorrectly or incompletely.
D (10-10.5/20)
– Overall: grammar and spelling mistakes common, sentences consistently unclear.
– The paper does not fulfil the required the length.
– This paper grasps course materials poorly.
– This paper includes many simplified statements and misrepresentations of course
-The answer attempts to cite sources, but does so incorrectly or incompletely.
Failing grade (less than 10/20)
– Overall: riddled with spelling and grammar errors. Sentences unclear or incoherent.
– consistently misunderstands course material, offers no sociological explanations.
– does not follow instructions; does not cite sources.