Globalization assignment – benefits for sustainability


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I need this assignment in 48 hours.(Important)


Globalization provides many benefits for sustainability. (You should give details about this topic)

Assignment Details:

1. Identify your topic and outline why it is important. (1-2 paragraphs)

2. Provide 3 strong examples supporting your topic. Back each example up with

evidence and facts. (3-5 paragraphs)

3. Conclude with how this topic affects your life. How are you connected to your

examples? What action can you/we take? (2-4 paragraphs)

Assignment Notes:

Op-eds are written with persuasive language. This is not a communication course so you

will not be marked on your writing ability. 

Submission Notes:

a) Use a college-approved referencing style such as APA or IEEE. 

b) Minimum 500 words, maximum 750 words.

c) Include a title page with standard formatting.