gph 111 lab


This is your chance to combine observations made doing this lab with your own experience (including outside readings and your own travels). Keep in mind that the grading of this essay is based on the evidence and reasoning that you present.

Answers that do not refer to specific evidence from this lab (and outside material) will be given little credibility and will not receive full points. In other words, if we do not see clear evidence from this lab (and outside material), do not expect any points.

We do not have any particular answer in mind. We want to know your opinion, but backed up by evidence and reasoning (beefy paragraphs).

Paragraph 1. Using your understanding of the volcanoes of the Big Island of Hawaii, please summarize their volcanic features. You can pick just one of the volcanoes, or you can generalize for all of them.

Paragraph 2. Using your understanding of how geomorphology processes (e.g. development of river valleys, glaciations, rock coatings) have modified the volcanoes of the Big Island, please explain how these processes changed the landforms from their original volcanic morphology and appearance.

Paragraph 3. The lab covered some basic processes in climatology and meteorology such as adiabatic processes, condensation of clouds, rainshadow effects, dew point gradients, changes in precipitation from place to place, and the trade wind inversion. Pick two of these processes, and explain their importance with an example each for the Big Island.

Paragraph 4: The upper elevation treeline on the eastern slopes (southeast-facing, east-facing, and north-east facing) of the volcanoes of the Big Island Hawaii is a dramatic change in plant geography. Summarize your understanding of this upper elevation treeline in terms of where you would expect to find it, what climatic differences occur at and just above the treeline, and what is responsible for this dramatic change.

The point scoring is divided evenly between the paragraphs. The assigning of points is based on the level of detail you provide in writing teach paragraph.